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What You Should Know About Flood Insurance

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We all know that weather can be unpredictable, and although hurricane Matthew was luckily not as bad as we expected it to be, it showed how important it is to have flood insurance in the Charleston area.

Insurance expert Mark Allen dropped by to explain why it’s so important to have an insurance plan in place and what to look out for when selecting a policy. Here are some things to consider when selecting flood insurance:

  1. Think of your insurance policy as an invisible safety net. Living on the coast has its perks, but if Mother Nature takes a turn for the worse, having a plan to fall back on for repair or damage costs will make sure you can sleep easy.
  2. Most homeowners insurance policies will cover not only flood but also wind and hail damage. Making sure you cover all your bases when it comes to unpredictable weather is key. Luckily, you can select a policy that will have you covered in any circumstance.
  3. Make sure you check to see if you have one or several policies covering you for flood and weather related damage. Homeowners insurance should cover everything, and it’s much easier to have one policy than have several with different deductibles and coverages.
  4. Remember that not all policies are created equal. Different policies will include different deductibles or coverage amounts and different types of coverage as well. Make sure your policy is right for you and your home.
  5. Don’t fall for the “sticker price.” Many insurance agencies will try to sell you a policy without combing over the fine details. Different coverage amounts and types of coverage can sneak in, so make sure you know exactly what is and is not in your policy.
  6. Don’t forget about your personal items inside the home. Make sure you have proper coverage for both the inside and outside of your home.
  7. Talk to someone who will insure your home in the way they would want their home insured. 1. Finding an insurance agent who walks you through your policy and makes sure you understand all the details, like what you are taking out or including, will help make sure you are getting the right coverage for the right house.
  8. Get a flood quote. At the very least, you will understand what it is going to cost to include your personal items in your flood coverage.

If you have any further questions regarding flood or homeowners insurance feel free to give Mark a call, visit 1stCapitalIns.com, or shoot him an email. If you have any questions about the Charleston or Mt. Pleasant real estate markets or you’re considering buying or selling a home, give me a call or send me an email. I’d be happy to help.

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Last modified: December 16, 2016
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