Written by 12:09 pm Real Estate

Introducing a Tool That Will Make 2017 Your Best Year Yet

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Today I have a tool that I want to show you that will help you achieve the success you desire in 2017. This tool is a goal-setting template, and it’s the same one my team and I use to reach our goals. Within this template, there are 10 categories through which you can divide your goals for a more comprehensive personal and professional development:

  • Professional Growth/Expanding Skillset
  • Sales
  • Team Culture
  • Conversion
  • Tracking
  • Faith
  • Family
  • Fun
  • Fitness
  • Finances

The goal you set for each individual category should conform to the criteria of the SMART method. That is to say, your goal should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.

In the video above, I’ve used the finances category as an example of how effective this tool can be if one of your goals is moderating and protecting your monetary interests.

“I’m challenging you to implement this simple tool that will change your

I really hope you use this tool so that 2017 is the best year you’ve ever had. I know that it’s going to create the best year for me, and I want the same for you, too. If you have any questions about this tool or would like me to email it to you, please reach out to me so I can share it with you. I would be happy to help!

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Last modified: February 7, 2017
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