Written by 1:09 pm Home Seller Tips

Top 10 Reasons to Sell During the Fall and Winter

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A lot of people have been asking me if the fall and winter are good times to sell.

My answer is, “Yes!”

Today let’s go through the top 10 reasons why I think fall and winter are great times to get your home sold.

1. You will be a non-contingent homebuyer.This gives you much more leverage as a purchaser in the market when you do have a home to sell.

2. There are a lot of rental vacancies, which will make it easier if you have to do a double move.

3. You can restrict showings during the holidays. It is perfectly acceptable to restrict showings to accommodate any holiday plans you might have.

4. January is the biggest month for transferees. A lot of big companies will end up hiring and transferring employees during this month, so those employees will begin house hunting in November and December.

5. People are looking to buy for tax purposes, especially investors. By purchasing before the end of the year, these buyers can enjoy tax benefits for the 2017 tax year, instead of waiting for those benefits to apply to the 2018 tax year.

6. Buyers have more time to look for homes. Things may be slower at their workplace, or they may have more time off to dedicate to searching for a house.

7. Buyers are more emotional.A lot of buyers will make decisions based on emotion, so the holidays are great for appealing to a buyer’s sentimental side.

8. Homes will show better.Decorating a house for the holiday season will help buyers fall in love with it, enabling them to imagine themselves living there with their families during the holidays. Again, this time can really appeal to a buyer’s emotions.

9. Supply will dramatically increase in February and March, so you’ll have more competition at that time when it comes to selling your home.

10. Buyers are more serious and have fewer options. People also have a limiting belief that there aren’t as many buyers in the market during the holidays. There may not be as many lookers, but the buyers in the marketplace are more serious. Additionally, the lack of supply suggests that your home could sell for more money since buyers will have fewer options to select from.

“It’s impossible to time the market perfectly, but don’t be gun-shy when it
comes to listing during the holidays.”

Ultimately, the best time to sell is when it makes the most sense to you. It’s impossible to time the market perfectly, but I wouldn’t be gun-shy when it comes to listing during the holidays.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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Last modified: December 5, 2017
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