Written by 4:37 am Market Update

Charleston Real Estate Market Update for December 2020

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Here are the latest statistics from our market as we start a new year.

The December 2020 numbers are in for our real estate market and I’m excited to share them with you today. The number of active listings is down 51% from December 2019 and 23% from November 2020. Compared to last year, the average days a home spends on the market before it sells is down by 45% and the median sale price was up to $295,000. The number of units sold also increased 9% year over year and 3% month over month. 

If you have any questions for me about these numbers or about real estate in general, don’t hesitate to reach out via phone or email today. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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Last modified: January 27, 2021
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