Written by 12:07 pm Home Buyer Tips

Getting Pre-Approved Is a Must for Homebuyers

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If you’re thinking of buying a home, getting pre-approved is a must.

If you’re looking to invest in a home but aren’t sure how much you can spend, it’s difficult to know where to begin. You might find a property that seems perfect but have no idea whether or not it’s a realistic option for your budget.

That’s why Matt Mieras of CMG Financial Mortgage joins me in today’s video to talk about getting pre-approved. A lender like Matt can help you get pre-approved for a specific amount so you can focus your house hunting on the properties you can afford. This makes the whole buying process a lot easier. If you’re facing a multiple-offer situation, being pre-approved means the seller will take your offer more seriously.

According to Matt, getting pre-approved is the most important step when buying a home. After getting your loan application, lenders will first pull your credit report. That credit report determines what sales price and loan program you qualify for. After that, they’ll work backward to establish your financial goals—if you have a down payment or monthly payment amount in mind, for example. Getting a pre-approval is all about understanding the financing you’re about to secure. If you know all this information up front and see a home you like, you can make an offer on it right away.

Matt and I are experts when it comes to insurance and taxes, which also have a big impact on your monthly mortgage payment and can vary from location to location. This makes it all the more important to reach out to us before starting your home search. If you have any pre-approval questions or would like to get pre-approved, you can give Matt a call at (843) 670-5512 or email him at mmieras@cmgfi.com.

As always, if there’s anything I can assist you with, feel free to call or email me as well. I’d love to hear from you.

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Last modified: March 3, 2021
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