Written by 12:46 pm Home Seller Tips, Real Estate

Don’t Keep Your Home From Selling

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Today I’m sharing why some homes don’t sell and how you can remedy that. 

Do you ever wonder why some homes sell and others don’t? Getting your home sold isn’t difficult if you stick to the basics. However, if there are issues, your home may sit on the market unsellable for a long time. Today I’m discussing the reasons homes don’t sell and what you can do to ensure yours isn’t one of them.

Feel free to watch the full message above, or use these timestamps that will direct you to various points in the video.

0:00— Introduction to today’s topic

0:30— Marketing your home

1:25— Ensure your home is in excellent condition and showable

2:35— Make sure your home appeals to the masses

4:00— We have options that don’t require showings or repairs, and you can choose the closing date

4:55— The No. 1 reason a home doesn’t sell

6:25— Sometimes sellers just don’t want to cooperate

8:20— Wrapping up today’s topic

If you have any questions or need anything real estate-related, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We would love to help you.

Visited 21 times, 1 visit(s) today
Last modified: May 11, 2021
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