Home Seller Tips

The Socratic Way of Selling

Home Seller Tips

Have you ever struggled to work with a certain person? Have you ever been on an appointment with...
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Why Sell to Sold With Dave?

Home Seller Tips

The Sold With Dave Program offers homeowners a better experience. Getting your home sold is easy. Just visit www.soldwithdave.com,...
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5 Things You Didn’t Know a VA Loan Could Do for You

Home Buyer Tips, Home Seller Tips, Real Estate

Because of the bravery and sacrifices of veterans and active military, the rest of the country’s civilians can live the American dream in...
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Big Reasons Why Your Home Isn’t Selling

Home Seller Tips, Real Estate

Here are the four main reasons homes don’t sell in our market. Ever wonder why some homes sell...
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We Can Get You an Instant Offer on Your Home

Home Seller Tips, Real Estate

We know that selling a home right now can be very uncertain. With the Dave Friedman Team, you can get an offer on your property safely,...
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Don’t Keep Your Home From Selling

Home Seller Tips, Real Estate

Today I’m sharing why some homes don’t sell and how you can remedy that.  Do you ever wonder why some homes sell and others don’t?...
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We Can Help You Sell Safely and Quickly

Home Seller Tips, Real Estate

Here’s how we can help you sell your home safely and simply. We know that selling a home right...
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Speaking with Keri Scougale of the Carolina Youth Development Center

Home Buyer Tips, Home Seller Tips, Market Update, Real Estate

The Carolina Youth Development Center is a vital resource for families. Today I’m joined by Keri Scougale from the Carolina Youth...
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Our New and Improved Home-Selling Process

Home Seller Tips

The Dave Friedman Team has a new way to help you decide how to sell your home. We are giving you all selling options upfront with 100%...
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Check Out Our iBuyer Program

Home Seller Tips, Real Estate

A faster, convenient way to sell your home without expensive upgrades. Are you spending too much...
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