Reserve Your Free Pie Today

Real Estate

It’s the season for being thankful and this year we couldn’t be more thankful for you. It’s...
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The Great Pumpkin Giveaway

Real Estate

Today’s message will be twofold. First, we would like to remind you of our upcoming second annual pumpkin giveaway, and second, we’d...
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How Has Our Market Been Doing?

Market Update

Today I want to cover two topics: First, a recap of a special event we recently participated in, and second, an update on the market. We...
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Vote for Us by July 25 and Join Us at the Park on August 8

Home Buyer Tips, Real Estate

I’ve got two very exciting things to talk to you about today. First off, we have been nominated...
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Our Coming Soon Program Explained

Home Seller Tips

Our team’s “Coming Soon” program, which we do for our sellers, is absolutely phenomenal. In the last 12 months, we have sold every...
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A Charleston Market Update and Some Great Summer Events

Market Update

Today I wanted to give you a quick market update for Charleston as well as a few great events that are going on around Charleston. A few...
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A Market Update and an Introduction Some Great Goal-Setting Workbooks

Market Update

In addition to the latest news from our market, today I want to talk about a great workbook and...
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Everything You Need to Know About Commission Splits

Real Estate

A lot of sellers have been asking how commission splits work in the real estate business. It’s actually pretty simple. On a 50%...
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What Is an Escrow Account and How Does It Work?

Real Estate

What is an escrow account? An escrow account is essentially a holding tank for money that’s held by a third party. It’s used in...
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A Quick Market Update and a Fresh List of Fun February Activities

Market Update

February is here, which means we have a quick market update and a full list of fun events...
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